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What I offer:

Online or face-to-face coaching sessions (individual or team coaching), following International Coaching Federation standards.


ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity, and leadership.

We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome, and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment.


ICF Coaching Competences.

ICF professional coaching practices.

When and why you might need coaching?

For organizations coaching is a method for improving performance, a vital ingredient to empower employees to take control over their development and growth. Coaching supports transitions into new roles, retains and motivate key talents, develops current and potential leaders, facilitates onboarding of new leaders, enhances employee engagement, improves retention, increases accountability, and promotes overall well-being, among other purposes.

For individuals coaching is a tool to approach and improve work and life challenges, unclear situations, difficult decisions, set goals, work and personal relationship, and many more.

Examples of topics to work with during coaching sessions:

  • Values Alignment: develop a strategy to align values with goals and work environment

  • Goal Setting: set clear, motivating goals and define a strategy to achieve them

  • Skill Acquisition: identify skills for goal achievement and prioritize them based on short-term and long-term needs

  • Strategic Decision Making: assess and enhance decision-making skills

  • Overcoming Self-Induced Obstacles: build confidence, address and overcome self-doubt

  • Performance Reviews: prepare and plan for successful reviews

  • Time Management & Focus: set models for effective time management, maintain focus on tasks and priorities

  • Stay Motivated: identify and optimize motivators, enhance intrinsic motivation

  • Get Team Buy-In: identify stakeholders and ways to gain their support

  • Become More Proactive: plan ahead future workloads to prevent obstacles

  • Manage Conflict: define the root cause of conflict, develop communication skills to handle conflict, find the ways to resolve conflicts related to projects or processes

  • Delegate: prioritize workload and delegate effectively

  • Self-Awareness: partner for increased self-awareness, identify blind spots

  • Collaboration: enhance collaboration with various stakeholders

  • Orientation and Onboarding: create an action plan for successful onboarding

  • Prepare for Difficult Conversations: improve communication strategies in various situations, prepare yourself for emotionally charged conversations

Coaching is not a therapy: I don’t go to the level of traumas to cure them. Coachee owns the process and decides when to stop and how far to go. All discussions are confidential.

Coaching is not mentoring. The coach never gives advice but works as a guide for the coachee's own thinking process. 


I can provide coaching session in two different languages: English and Russian.

My strengths as a coach

  • Substantial professional experience in the domain of well-being, stress management, and resilience;

  • Leadership and project management experience in large organizations;

  • Understanding the context of the business leaders and researchers;

  • A variety of tools and methodologies to help the coachee approach his/her situation from different perspectives.


In my coaching sessions I prefer to follow the British Eclectic coaching model. “The British Eclectic Model is an approach to coaching which synthesizes tools, techniques and frameworks from a range of approaches to helping people initiate and sustain goaldirected personal change. The coach maintains a focus on the client, the coaching process as a whole, and the client’s context, and in response to what he observes in relation to any or all of these elements he selects a way of working with the client that seems to him appropriate and likely to be effective”.

Duration of one session: 1 - 1.5 h

Price per session for organizations: 250 € + VAT


Linh Duong, Doctoral candidate Åbo Akademi University

“It felt like clearing the foggy sky to find some rays of sunshine. The coaching session with Lidia has helped me to understand the root-cause of the issue, and from that I could find directions to improve the situation.

I also take the coaching session as a reminder to celebrate small things in life, something that many tend to forget to do. 

Thank you for a very useful and helpful coaching session”.

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